Cofounded by Jenny Jo Wennlund and Ben Burke in 2003, Stars & Garters was “grind your bones to bake your bread theater, full of batshit nautical glee.” (SF Weekly). They couldn’t have put it better themselves. They were, and remain, a rag-tag collection of high-caliber misfits, authentically cursed with a penchant for unexpected entertainment, catchy tunes and buckets of blood. In their 7 years of existence, they filled up every barroom and bonafide theater that would have them and trolled their wares up and down the Pacific Northwest to riotous applause with nary a regret.

Jenny Jo wrote and directed The Robber Bridegroom, her poetic and raucous rendition of the Brothers Grimm fairytale which was performed to all sold-out theaters in 2006 San Francisco. She co-wrote several other of their junkyard theater works, including Curse of The Goddamed Ship, Buckets of Blood, and many short plays. Jenny Jo also wrote The Blue Flower, for which she received the San Francisco Arts Commission playwright grant to compose. Stars and Garters Theater Co. hosted multiple performance events in the Mission District, featuring their beloved tiny plays comingled with performances by community members of all varieties, as well as the infamous monthly Country Duet Roulettes at Amnesia on Valencia Street in the Mission District.


Jenny Jo co-produced, directed, and performed in Eve Ensler’s infamous theater production at The Parlor Room in Seattle, WA in 1999. The production focused on community involvement by holding workshops, community bartering systems, photography exhibition, and multi-age group inclusions. They performed all sold-out shows and donated all proceeds to the local women’s shelter.